Our services
At bienUp we provide a holistic offer, aimed to reduce the consequences of work stress and help in conflict management to improve mental health at work.
Our services
At bienUp we provide a holistic offer, aimed to reduce the consequences of work stress and help in conflict management to improve mental health at work.
Leave Management caused by mental health problems
We have developed a four-step method which assures a quick implementation and can determine the dynamics that are contributing to the team’s stress and other issues that may arise.

We will carry out a holistic assessment of the worker’s mental health (burnout, stress…) and team, addressing the problem in an extensive way.
Our ultimate goal is to minimize sick leaves due to work stress, saving large costs, discomfort and a decrease in collective capacity.
Finally, we will help you carry out the mediation between the company and the medical inspection.
Reports and diagnoses of employee’s mental health
In every company we find that different functions have to collaborate with each other.

An early and rapid diagnosis of the company’s reality, guarantees that 75% of conflicts are fully resolved. We will develop a thorough investigation and identify where potentially dangerous situations will be identified. Finally an assessment and recommendation will be made.
We will implement sustainable changes over time generating a high level of work well-being.
Consulting services for HR and occupational risk prevención departments
In those cases in which help must go further, we have developed a specific method, focusing on development and transcending coaching, bienUp Goes Beyond Coaching.
We make prevention in occupational mental health and conflict management two of our core fields. Our team of experts will support your HR and Labor Relations departments creating cooperative environments, achieving optimal efficiency of high-performance teams.

In today’s world, promoting care spaces is essential for maintaining health and safety at work. For this reason, at bienUp we propose a customized methodology in order to treat the problem in a specific and localized way before it arises, anticipating work anxiety and possible sick leave due to stress, depression, Hubris syndrome or arrogance.
Upskilling and team dynamics courses
Our training is aimed at executives, team leaders and teams. Through practical tools we will equip you and your team with high-performance abilities. From managing emotions to adequately resolve conflicts as a team.

Using our methodology we will fully customize the knowledge gained to your business values and thus be aligned with your company’s objectives.
Leave Management caused by mental health problems
Our Leave Management, four-step, method is quick, and effectively determines, with guarantee, the dynamics that are contributing to the team’s stress and other issues that may arise.
We will carry out a holistic assessment of the worker’s mental health (burnout, stress…) and team, so that the impact of the labor factor versus the social factor can be established, addressing the problem in an extensive way.
Our ultimate goal is to minimize sick leaves due to work stress, saving large costs, discomfort and a decrease in collective capacity.
In addition, we carry out the mediation between the company and the medical inspection, whose function is focused on evaluating and monitoring each sick leave due to depression, burnout syndrome, stress or psychosocial imbalances in the work teams.

Reports and diagnoses of employee’s mental health
In every company we find that different functions have to collaborate with each other. Due to that, adaptive movements should always be made in order to adjust to reality.
An early and rapid diagnosis of the company’s reality, guarantees that 75% of conflicts are fully resolved. We will develop a thorough investigation of external and internal conditions, where potentially dangerous situations will be identified.
Finally, with all this information, an assessment and recommendation will be made to promote the necessary changes.
Our method allows us to carry out a holistic (individual, team and institutional) approach to produce sustainable changes over time, generating a high level of work well-being.

Consulting services for HR and occupational risk prevención departments
Departamento de RRHH y PRL
In those cases in which help must go further, we have developed a specific method, focusing on development and transcending coaching, bienUp Goes Beyond Coaching.
Thanks to our method, we are able to create cooperative environments, achieving a greater increase in the efficiency of high-performance teams.
At bienUp, we are specialists in occupational mental health and our medical team has extensive experience in this field. Likewise, as a strategic consultancy, we have taken part in the creation and support of Human Resources and Labor Relations departments of numerous companies offering, amongst other services, mental health consultancy.
In today’s world, promoting care spaces is essential for maintaining health and safety at work. For this reason, at bienUp we propose a customized methodology in order to treat the problem in a specific and localized way before it arises, anticipating work anxiety and possible sick leave due to stress, depression, Hubris syndrome or arrogance. Making prevention in occupational mental health and conflict management two of our core fields.

Upskilling and team dynamics courses
Through our work method, we carry out training courses and team dynamics where we equip participants with the necessary tools, to be able to effectively manage their emotions, raise their communication skills and be prepared to adequately resolve conflicts as a team.
Our training is aimed at executives, team leaders and teams. The contents of each will be aimed at the development of high-performance teams.
All of our courses are practical and, in them, the use of communication is essential. We use different resources, based on verbal and non-verbal communication, and audiovisual expressions.
We, together with you, will create the courses to be able to fully customize the knowledge gained to your business values and thus be aligned with your company’s objectives.